
Contact Us

…I’d love to hear from you!

Advertising services:

1. Ad button
150×150 pixel button that will link back to your site. Located on the right sidebar of my site, it can be seen on any page. It’s a great way to get exposure for your business. Ad buttons run for 30 days at a time, with discounts given for signing up for multiple months up-front.

2. Product review.
You would provide me with a product or service to review. I do an entire post on my experience with you and your product and give a review based on my 100% honest feedback. The good news? No negative reviews will be posted so if I don’t feel comfortable endorsing your product then I take that up with you privately. Product review posts are displayed on my site, sent directly to everyone on my email list, all subscribers, gets posted to facebook, and pinned to Pinterest…direct exposure to thousands! Plus, you have the potential to be named one of my Friday Favorites and would get a permanent, static place on my site. This is a great option because the entire post is dedicated 100% to your company.  Sponsoring a giveaway after the product review is a great way to draw followers.

3. Sponsor a post.
I write a savings post that is in the same genre as your business. In the post I mention your company, link back to your site, and encourage my readers to check out your product/services. Sponsored posts are displayed on my site, sent directly to everyone on my email list, all subscribers, gets posted to facebook, and pinned to Pinterest. This is a good option because your company is featured in a post with no product review needed. It also helps my readers see your company as a solution to a problem. Typically the post will be about how to save money in a certain area of people’s lives. Your company will be seen as a viable, recommended solution – a website to check out, a product to try, or a resource to go to; It relates your product/service/site directly to a need in their mind.

4. Host a giveaway.
My readers love good giveaways! This is a great way to draw readers to your site, to like you on Faceook, follow your blog, subscribe to your emails, etc. Giveaways are displayed on my site, sent directly to everyone on my email list, all subscribers, and gets posted to facebook. I prefer to get a duplicate of the product or service you will be giving away, so I can endorse and give personal opinions about your product/service which helps validate your company and the benefits of your product/service.

5. Guest post.
We love learning from others. With a guest post you have the control and can write the entire post. This is great exposure and a good way to show my readers your knowledge and expertise in whatever it is you are passionate about, and a great way to introduce yourself and your site/services. Guest posts are displayed on my site, sent directly to everyone on my email list, all subscribers, gets posted to facebook, and possibly even pinned to Pinterest…direct exposure to thousands! The post must be an educational post, teaching my readers about something savings or frugality-related. Email me for more information.

6. Swap blog buttons.
I love my fellow bloggers! Want to trade? I’m all about it. Grab my button (below) and email me the details on where I can find your button and website.

Discounts offered for combining multiple options. Please contact me for pricing, availability, and details:

2 thoughts on “Contact/Advertise”

  1. I am in the beginning stages of launching a first ever concept in the US, located in Houston (central). My program is for infants to 12mo old, healthy and movement disorders. We use a unique flotation device to allow a baby to float vertically which gives them free range of motion. It’s followed by a brief infant masage instruction. I also have a program that is just infant massage instruction courses, available in home, NICUs, private or group. Both programs have studies to support that these can increase cognitive and physical development. I need some help with getting the word out. Any suggestions?

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